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Automating with PowerShell: Creating your own password push

I was recently talking with some friends in MSPGeek about Password pushing options, and that it’s kind of strange of relying on a third party closed service to generate and send passwords to clients. You’re not 100% in control and often it misses some form of functionality like a password generator or somesuch.

As an experiment I’ve decided to create my own password pushing tool with an Azure Function. The Azure Function has the following functionality(haha)

  • You can generate passwords programmatically (/generate). You can use these passwords in other scripts for example.
  • And create a URL with either a generated password in it, or a self-typed password. (/Create)
  • You can also retrieve the password, immediately destroying it in the process (/Get)
  • And the passwords are also destroyed after the Maximum age you’ve set during set-up.

If you want a demonstration on how it works, check out https://pw.cyberdrain.com/create. If you don’t want to roll your own? feel free to use mine. 🙂

So what’s the use case?

You could also use it as validation when a user calls for something that requires a second factor. Simply create a link for them, e-mail it and await confirmation. Of course the primary reason for a tool like this is to securely share ‘first logon’ passwords.

There’s actually a lot of options; You could use it to send a license code to an end user, or you could use it to generate passwords for your application.

And that brings us to our second point; the passwords. The passwords are generated from a 10000 (English) words wordlist I’ve found online. They also get 5 random characters added to the end. Most passwords will look something like “BullfrogSymptomaticSmartphone$5%^3”.

These passwords are fairly long, still easy to type and often comply with password requirements that’s applications have.

Alright I’ve heard enough, How do I use it?

Simply click the Deploy to Azure button below. This will create the application for you. The cost will be somewhere between 50 cents and 1,50 a month, depending on how heavily you use it of course.

After deployment you can click on “Go to deployment” and “Custom Domains” to find your password push URL. This will be a little bit of an ugly URL like “azpwpushujkfh.azurewebsites.net”. You can decide to use this, or add your custom domain right away.

To add a custom domain click on the “Add Custom Domain” button and follow the instructions. You’ll have to add two DNS records to your DNS provider. One TXT record named “asuid.YOURDOMAIN.COM” with the value Microsoft gives you for validation, and a CNAME record to forward to the Azure Function.

I’d strongly suggest to also enable HTTPS-Only, and add a HTTPS certificate. You can add any pre-existing PFX file so you don’t have to buy a new one if you already have it.

So that’s it! If you have any feature requests, please drop them on the github page here. As always, Happy PowerShelling!

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