Hey everyone!
I know I haven’t blogged in a while, but that’s because on the background I am super busy developing CIPP(https://cipp.app) and having a new session of the CyberDrainCTF!
So what IS the event exactly?
A Capture-the-Flag event is (normally) a cybersecurity competition that is designed to teach and test a variety of different computer skills, The CyberDrain CTF differs here because we don’t teach and test security skills, but system administration and engineering.
The goal of a competition like this is to learn, so you’re expected to research and use the internet during the competition to figure out how to solve the challenges. There are challenges of each level so have all your techs give it a try, it doesn’t matter if you’re just starting or have been in the market for 50 years.
When does it start?
The event starts February 28th at 13:00 (Central European time) and lasts until 14th of March 13:00. To find what that is in your local time zone, click here: https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/
But what’s in it for me?
To make sure this event is interesting for everyone u/Lime-TeGek did his best to gather sponsors so we could hand out awards, and give back to our community that has supported us for so long. The sponsors for this event are known in our community and will be giving out some pretty awesome stuff. To find out exactly what you can win visit https://ctf.cyberdrain.com/Prizes.
This year we also have a bunch of sponsors so more prizes than ever. Players also need not worry about getting to the top 13, as we also have special awards this time that you can win just by participating!
Platinum Sponsor: Huntress is sponsoring this event for the top three awards
Gold Sponsors: Datto, OITVoip, Pax8, NinjaOne, and bVOIP are sponsoring the gold awards
Silver Sponsors: Hudu, Lifecycle Insights, Gradient, Blumira, and Tier2 are sponsoring our silver slots.
We would like to explicitly state that while the sponsors are giving out awards directly for this event, r/msp is and will remain completely vendor neutral. This sponsorship does not equal endorsement and we reserve the right to remove any sponsor that does not adhere to our strict rules found in the sidebar.
u/Lime-TeGek and /u/tntGav and u/lwhitelock are our judges, and available for support etc. This is a 100% voluntary effort so go easy, please 🙂
Ok sounds good! How do I join?
To register for the event, visit https://ctf.cyberdrain.com. There are 1000 seats available, so register quickly!
I still have some questions.
Contact u/Lime-TeGek directly, comment under this post, join us at the CyberDrain discord via https://discord.gg/cyberdrain or via the MSPGeek channel #cyberdrain-ctf