Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Acronis Backups

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring VSS Snapshots

Automating with PowerShell: Getting device warranty information

Automating with PowerShell: Setting Sharepoint Sharing Settings

Automating with PowerShell: Enable M365 activity based time-out & Office Code Execution fix

Automating with PowerShell: Monitoring Office Releases

Automating with PowerShell: Setting M365 Contact emails

Automating with PowerShell: Shipping your logs

CyberDrain CTF Returns!

Automating with PowerShell: Getting new Secure App Model tokens

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring battery health

Ending the year with PowerShell: a 2021 retrospective

Monitoring with PowerShell: Detecting Log4J files

Automating with PowerShell: Deploying External e-mail markers

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring WLAN reports

Automating with PowerShell: Disabling application consent on all tenants

Automating with PowerShell: setting OneDrive ownership

Automating with PowerShell: A much better partner portal

Automating with PowerShell: Disabling anonymous reports for Office365

Automating with PowerShell: Deploying default Intune configurations

Automating with PowerShell: uploading your RMM application to all Intune tenants

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring interactive system execution

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring system temperatures

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting mailbox sizes and settings
Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring M365 privileged account changes.
Automating with PowerShell: Setting up application consent

Automating with PowerShell: Enabling MFA with Web-Sign in for Windows Devices

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring M365 Service Communications

Automating with PowerShell: Deploying AAD branding to all clients

Automating with PowerShell: Faster Exchange PowerShell commands

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Azure App Proxies

Monitoring with PowerShell: Checking if your device is compatible with Windows 11

Automating with PowerShell: Deploying Microsoft Teams Templates

Monitoring with PowerShell: Predict when disk is full

CyberDrain CTF: Registration Available Now

Tech in 5 minutes: Sending MFA requests to users.

Automating with PowerShell: Quickly offboarding a M365 user

Automating with PowerShell: Sending MFA push messages to users

Tech in 5 minutes: Azure Dynamic DNS

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring oAuth application changes

Automating with PowerShell: Unifi PowerShell module and creating network maps

Tech in 5 minutes: M365 Universal Print

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting Remote Access

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Azure File Shares

Tech in 5 minutes: Azure Automation

Automating with PowerShell: Deploying Temporary Access passwords

Tech in 5 minutes: RDS and WVD Autodiscovery

Automating with PowerShell: Deploying Send as Alias for M365

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring M365 SPF,DKIM, and DMARC

Tech in 5 minutes: Azure Functions

Automating with PowerShell: Deploying WiFi Profiles

Tech in 5 minutes: M365 Passwordless Authentication

Automating with PowerShell: Deploying passwordless Authentication

Tech in 5 minutes: M365 MAM

Automating with PowerShell: Deploying Unifi DHCP Options

Tech in 5 minutes: MSIX Packages

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring MFA Usage

Tech in 5 minutes: M365/O365 Automation

Monitoring with PowerShell: External port scanning part 2

Tech in 5 minutes: Azure AD Application Proxy

Monitoring with PowerShell: Conditional Disk Space monitoring

Monitoring with PowerShell: Greynoise community IP reputation

Automating with PowerShell: Warranty lookups

Automating with PowerShell: Deploying spoofing warnings

Automating with PowerShell: Connecting to Microsoft Teams with the Secure Application Model

Automating with PowerShell: Secure App Model Refresh tokens

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting admin actions

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Windows Server Backup

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Bitdefender status

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring listening applications

Documenting with PowerShell: Remote Access Methods
The start of CyberDrain CTF is today!

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Storage Spaces and Windows RAID

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring BSODs without event viewer

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Powershell Protect

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring WVD availability

Automating with PowerShell: Automatically following all Sharepoint Sites or Teams for all users

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring potential phishing campaigns

Automating with PowerShell: Deploying StorageSense

Monitoring with PowerShell:
Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Storage Sense settings

Ending the year with PowerShell: Retrospective

Monitoring with PowerShell: Typosquat domain checking

Automating with PowerShell: Adding domains to IT-Glue programmatically.

Automating with PowerShell: Joining teams meetings with a code

Automating with PowerShell: Backup Teams Chats

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring NAS devices

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring print queues

Monitoring with PowerShell: App hangs

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting Print Servers

Automating with PowerShell: Checking if you can move to M365 BP from O365 E3

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Domain Admins logon

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Outlook offline mode and OST Sizes, and active PSTS.

Automating with PowerShell: Changing Modern and Basic authentication settings

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring driver issues & Monitoring ZeroLogon

Automating with PowerShell: Creating your own password push

Automating with PowerShell: Enabling Secure Defaults (And SD explained)

Documenting with PowerShell: Autotask Stack Documentation

Automating with PowerShell: Deploying Azure Functions

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Dynamic VHDX files.

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring O365 unused products

Documenting with PowerShell: O365 Groups (And Warranty updates)

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting mobile devices

Documenting with PowerShell: Hyper-v and physical server settings

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring network traffic

Powershell for beginners webinar Part 2

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring legacy authentication logons

Monitoring with PowerShell: user experience issues & Unifi EOL Monitoring

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring O365 alerts

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring DNS forwarders

Automating with PowerShell: Increasing the O365 Secure Score

Documenting with PowerShell: Office 365 Secure Score PowerShell module

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting Office 365 guest access

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring B-Series VM credits

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting Azure VMs (And lighthouse setup)

Monitoring with PowerShell: O365 location alerts

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting the O365 portal

Monitoring with PowerShell: Host isolation

Monitoring with PowerShell: Notifying users of Windows Updates

Automating with PowerShell: Impersonating users while running as SYSTEM

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring the Onedrive client limitations

Automating with PowerShell: Teams Automapping

Monitoring with PowerShell: AD KRBTGT & making your own canaries

Documenting with PowerShell: Breaches using the HIBP API

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Shodan results (in-depth)

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting DHCP server settings

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Azure AD Devices and users age.

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Active Directory Health

Automating with PowerShell: Using the new Autotask REST API

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting Microsoft Teams

Automating with PowerShell: an Azure DynDNS replacement.

Automating with PowerShell: Storing Office 365 audit logs longer than 90 days

Automating with PowerShell: Using the Secure Application model updates.

Automating with PowerShell: Creating dynamic distribution groups in all O365 tenants

Documenting with PowerShell: creating a device audit log

Documenting with PowerShell: Syncing Unifi devices to IT-Glue

Documenting and monitoring blogs updates

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting Unifi infrastructure

Monitoring with PowerShell: Preventing PowerShell based attacks (LoLBas)

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring the used MFA type for O365/Azure.

Monitoring using PowerShell: Getting mailbox rules from the audit log

Automating with PowerShell: Creating named accounts

Automating with PowerShell: Automating Warranty information reporting.

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Windows Performance Index

Documenting with PowerShell: Using PowerShell to create faster partner portal

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting intune applications

Automating with PowerShell: Automatically uploading applications to intune tenants

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring DFSR status

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitor SSL certificates

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Rogue DHCP Servers

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring DNS record changes

Automating with PowerShell: Automating intune Autopilot configuration

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring client VPN settings

Monitoring with PowerShell: monitor and enabling WOL for HP, Lenovo, Dell

Monitoring with PowerShell: VSS Snapshot size

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Onedrive and Sharepoint file limits

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting Office 365 usage reports

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Active SMB sessions.

Documenting with PowerShell: Passportal API Examples

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Unifi site configuration

Using PowerShell to generate and deploy Group Policies for non-domain environments

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Dell Driver Updates (DCU 3.1)

Documenting with Powershell: Documenting Hyper-V settings

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring SMART status using SmartCTL.

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring internet speeds

Monitoring with PowerShell: WAN IP changes and Active Directory ages

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring psexec execution

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring O365 / Azure Breakglass account logon.

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting Azure AD Settings

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Onedrive Known Folder Move

Documenting with PowerShell: Increasing the Office365 Secure Score.

Documenting with PowerShell: Downloading and storing the Office 365 Audit logs (With search!)

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring users that are blocked for login

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Office 365 deleted users & License usage

Documenting with PowerShell: Handling IT-Glue API security and rate limiting.

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring SQL server health

Documenting with PowerShell: Active Directory domain and settings

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting SQL settings and databases

Monitoring and Documenting with PowerShell: End of year review

Monitoring with PowerShell: User Recycle bin Remediation

Monitoring with PowerShell: Alerting on large Office 365 mailboxes

Monitoring with PowerShell: Alerting on Shodan results

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring OneDrive status for current logged on user!

Documenting with PowerShell: Documenting Office365 mailbox permissions

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring the creation of new teams.

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring disk speed

Connect to Exchange Online automated when MFA is enabled (Using the SecureApp Model)

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Event log size

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Active Directory replication

Converting group policy registry preferences to PowerShell scripts

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring RDS UPD size

Functional PowerShell for MSPs webinar

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring RRAS status.

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Office365 admin password changes


Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring failed logins for Office365

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Office365 Azure AD Sync

Documenting with PowerShell: Bulk edit configurations in IT-Glue

Monitoring with PowerShell: External port scanning

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Cipher suites (And get a SSLLabs A rank)

Documenting with PowerShell Chapter 6: Documenting Active Directory groups

Monitoring with PowerShell: The Windows Firewall

Using the Secure Application Model with PartnerCenter 2.0 for Office365.

Functional PowerShell for MSPs (Beginner course)

Documenting with PowerShell Chapter 5: File share permissions

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Office C2R updates

Monitoring with PowerShell: UPS Status (APC, Generic, and Dell)

Documenting with PowerShell Chapter 4: Network documentation for IT-Glue.

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Security state

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring Dell device updates

Documenting with PowerShell Chapter 3: Local Administrator Passwords solution

Monitoring with PowerShell: SMART status via CrystalDiskInfo

Monitoring with PowerShell: Monitoring log on of specific users.

Documenting with PowerShell: Chapter 2 – Documenting Bitlocker keys

IT-Glue unofficial backup script.

Documenting with PowerShell: Chapter 1 – Server overview page

Documenting with PowerShell – New series

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 3: Monitoring network state

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 3: Monitoring Modern Authentication

Connectwise: Quick Time Entry Form

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 3: Monitoring SSL certificates on IIS

Autotask Quick Time Entry

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 3: Monitoring user creation

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 3: Monitoring and remediating Windows Feature Update status

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 3: Hyper-v state

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 3: Monitoring MFA-Server and Office365 MFA status

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 3: Monitoring creation of scheduled tasks

Using the Secure App Model to connect to microsoft partner resources

Getting all alarms of all Unifi sites with PowerShell

Deploy MFA to all Administrator accounts in all (Partner) tenants

Connecting to all O365 services at the same time in PowerShell (Including Installation and Teams)

Adding Remote App File associations via PowerShell

Using PowerShell to check Pwned passwords (Using the HaveIBeenPwned API)

Running Office365 Powershell scripts cross tenant

Automatically mapping SharePoint sites in the OneDrive for Business client

Deploying Auto-VPN or Always-On VPN with SSTP

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 2: DHCP Pool status

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 2: Hyper-V replication and remediation

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 2: Monitoring Windows Activation State

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 2: Monitor RDS Security and Licensing status

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 2: Monitoring Anti-virus installation status

Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 2: Monitoring Compellent SANs

Blog Series: Monitoring with PowerShell Chapter 2

Blog Series: Monitoring using PowerShell: Part Eight – Monitoring health with PowerShell

Blog Series: Monitoring using PowerShell: Part Seven – Monitoring back-ups with PowerShell

Blog Series: Monitoring using PowerShell: Part Six – Monitoring CSV volumes for space and status

Blog Series: Monitoring using PowerShell: Part five – Monitoring the Windows Search Database, iSCSI Connections, and Bitlocker state.

Blog Series: Monitoring using PowerShell: Part four – Using Powershell to update and maintain unifi devices

Blog Series: Monitoring using PowerShell: Part three – Using Powershell to monitor Unifi Controllers

Blog Series: Monitoring using PowerShell: Part two – Using Powershell to monitor Dell systems

Blog Series: Monitoring using PowerShell: Part one – Using PowerShell to monitor MegaRaid

Blog Series: Monitoring using PowerShell

Mini-Blog: How to use Azure Functions to run PowerShell scripts

Mini-Blog: Creating HTML files from CSV

Mini-blog: Wait for VM to come online, then execute Powershell direct

Using App-v to deploy Office 2016 on RDS servers

Free online powershell training

Mini Blog: Checking processor performance

Mini-Blog: finding the windows search database location.

Managing Office 365/Azure tenants using powershell

Using Azure MFA on an onsite RDS 2012R2

Forcing DFS to prefer the local DC, Without creating subnets and sites

Search Service crashing on RDS / Server 2012R2

Stop AADSync logs from clogging up your servers disk space

Creating hosted mailboxes while on premises mailboxes still exist.

Migrating permissions over domains

Using BEMCLI to automate restores

Juniper SRX: Using RPM to monitor and change routes